Firetoys Aerial Yoga Hammocks

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This is a page made all about how my hammocks got rigged upside-down

I'd like to take a minute so sit right there, i'll tell you all about how i became a person who bought a hammock with rigging in an informed manner.

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O rings

Unleash the Potential of Your Hammock with Top-Notch Steel O Rings - tie your hammocks onto these for our most basic setup.

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Prussik Slings

These are looped directly onto the hammock to allow neat adjustable rigging.

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6 loop chains

This is a wonderful object that acts as both a daisy chain (learn more here) AND a prussik, allowing you to have easily adjusted hammocks at set intervals.

the long loop at one end of this sling is designed to be tied directly into the hammock, while the 5 other loops allow for easy clipping in and out with a carabiner